See Who the Cats and Dogs Are In Your Neighborhood…
Who Are the Dogs in Your Neighborhood?
So, today’s dog-watching adventure? Meet Pixie and Sonny! They are Airedales out for a walk with their mommy on a trail.
Meow and Forever Ernie...
This is one of the hardest goodbyes I’ve had to write in a long time. Ernie, my orange tabby, the cat who came with a warning label, my ride or die, my insulin buddy is gone.And the world feels quieter, heavier, and strangely off balance without him here. I recall that before we bought him, on his cage was a warning label…
Maine Coon Not Main Course!
From Miss Sassy’s perspective: How it all started was. My hooman is a KAREN! What can I say family is a life sentence. But it’s like that with family, so you forgive them, even if they are the human equivalent of hyenas. I didn’t know until the Haitian neighbors moved in next door. They feed me sometimes. Oh, the delicious delicacies that they fed me like Griot, if you ask me, just glorified pork chop nuggets but I digress.
Street Name Tri-Bully?
Meet Goku the tri-color Pit Bull. Street name, Tri-Bully! OMG! What a handsome specimen he will be. While tri-color Pit Bulls are less common than single or bi-colored ones, they aren't considered extremely rare—just more uncommon due to specific gene combinations required for this pattern. Y’all know y’all want one.
How's This for a Moose
Meet Moose, a Portuguese Water Dog. We met him on our Thankful Thursday outing with Sheila.
Where is Juji?
Just got this in my email—Lost Cat Alert: Juji, a small tortie with big food dreams, has gone missing in Bloomfield!
Meet Bailey American Pit
What color is this handsome fella? Updating...See Who Are the Dogs in Your Neighborhood?
Neighborhood Cat Gone Missing
Hey Maverick! Not only who are the cats in your neighborhood, but where are the cats in your neighborhood?
Pet Description
Black cat with no collar. Small scar on his back where no hair grows.
Data Reported
October 07, 2024
What's a Spinone Italiano?
Met one at the Vet be continued. Sounds like an ice cream, right?
Cider, Sirens, and Subarus: This Tale Went to the Dogs
chilling like a boss from the hatch of her car. So, how did this tail-wagging companion end up lounging in luxury in the back of a Subaru? Strap in; this story's a wild ride! Just as the lady who owned this fella was heading to her car, she suddenly passed out.
Meet Porter pug-boxer-beagle mix
New month, new dog pics: October Update
This lil doggie was named after a beer not the steak
Spotted Himalayan?
The Himalayan cat, affectionately known as the "Himmie," is like the best of both worlds—part Persian, part Siamese, and all fluff! They owe their luxurious, silky coats to their Persian lineage, while those striking blue eyes and stylish pointy coloring on their ears, face, paws, and tail? That’s all thanks to their Siamese ancestors.
Meet Poncho the Beagle
Snoopy was a Beagle and so is Poncho...
Meet Max Pick of the Litter
Proof that my sisters didn't read my blog post 'I Shouldn't Have Looked in the Box!' SUCKERRR...Or maybe the post on pet adoption may have resonated more with them.
Mom and Pups are Doing Well...
The reasons why you should NEVER look in the box! Tell it to my heart. To Be Continued...
Meet a Chocolate Chewy--I Shih-tzu Not!
Chewy and her papa were at the vet. I hope all is well.
Listen-Listen, the Cat is Pissin'...
Life is messy, unpredictable, and sometimes it smells like cat pee. But it’s also filled with moments that make us laugh and remind us not to take things too seriously.
Missing Cat Alert!
This was cool. I got a missing cat in your neighborhood alert while I was on vacation.
What Is Polydactyl?
You have a Hemingway, you say? Move over pups, the new kits on the block are Tiger Mittens and Bear Mittens. Sister and brother are polydactyl.
Brickhead's Big Adventure
Wonder why his mommy named him Brickhead. He was decked out in latest gear and came with a dogdie stroller. This is one pampered pooch…to be continued
Meet Rainbow the Bernedoodle
Her mommy say she is, get this, only 10 months old. She a big girl. And like Other People’s Pets, she is friendly and well behaved, unlike my Sheila.
A Prickly Situation: Charlie's Spiky Encounter
Sooo it’s off to the Vet we go…As we dog owners all know, sometimes the adventure includes a trip to the Vet.
Coming Soon Dogs 'n' Brew
New bar restaurant with a dog park called Dogs n Brew…
Meet Scretchen the Baby Dog Schnauzer
Who needs movie stars when you have fluffy tails and wet noses, right? I absolutely love discovering different breeds and their quirks…
Meet Bauer Handsome Yellow Lab
Yeah, I said my favorite labs were the chocolate and the black. Then this strikingly handsome fellow comes trotting along and makes me eat my words.
Happy Taco Tuesday! Meet Taco?
Of all the dogs we would meet on our outing, we would meet up with a pug-terrier mix named Taco!
Meet Zai-Zai the Camera Shy Corgi!
The pretty Corgi was out walking on the shady side of the street with her proud papa.
Maggie the Pit Boxer Mix
Wake up Maggie, I think I got something to say to you... Maggs had lovely black and brindle markings. You really had to be there…
Dina the Precious Peke
Meet Dina, the precious Pekingese. Ain’t she a beauty and a cutie! Awww…wook at dat purty face.
Hello Riley, the Lovely Lab
Riley and her dad are my new neighbors…he says she loves a good swim and a good hunt.
Hey Winkie Dinkie Dooh!
Meet Periwinkle, the French Bulldog. She has brindle markings that haven’t fully developed yet.
Yorkie-Dox-Pom Right Ralph?
You got it! Wreckit Ralph here is a YorkieDachshundPomeranian mix. And he came with two cool furrents almost as cool as he is.
Meet Squeeks the Chorkie
She got Betty Davis Eyes!
Bless the Beasts and the Children
Blog Posts
How Stella Got Her Groove Back --Eagle Edition
Move over, Angela Bassett—there’s a new comeback queen in town, and she’s got feathers. If you thought How Stella Got Her Groove Back was dramatic, you haven’t been following the latest bald eagle soap opera. Let me introduce you to Stella, the eagle who clawed her way back to the nest, defied expectations, and immediately laid an egg like an avian boss.
Once upon a time in a well-established nest, there was Claire—a seasoned bald eagle matriarch who had held down her territory with her partner, Irvin, for six whole seasons. Claire wasn’t just any eagle; she was a survivor, a legend, a mother who successfully hatched an egg last year while other eagle couples—like the famous Hays and Big Bear Valley pairs—watched their eggs fail to hatch. Claire was thriving… until she wasn’t.
Enter Stella.
Welcome to Jurassic Park Meets FAFO...
I guess we just can’t get enough. Wooly mice? What next T-Rat?
Move over, Jurassic Park—we’re officially in Rodent Park now. In a move that has scientists, animal lovers, and every person with a mouse phobia collectively clutching their pearls, Colossal Biosciences has just grown a woolly mouse in a lab.
Yes, you read that correctly. Not a woolly mammoth. Not a prehistoric sabretooth squirrel. A woolly mouse.
At first glance, you might think, “Aww, a tiny little fuzzy mouse—how cute!” But let’s be honest: this is how it starts. One minute, it’s a harmless, lab-grown furball, and the next? You wake up to find a five-foot-tall prehistoric rat knocking over your trash cans.
As the Eagle Nest Turns?
BREAKING: Shell yeah! The 2nd eaglet has hatched. L'Chaim! To Life! The shell was never the limit. It was just the beginning. Fly high, little one. Your wings are waiting. Check out the live cams for Jackie and Shadow.
A Thesaurus Isn't a Dinosaur!
***Warning: The names have been changed to protect the guilty and the ignorant, as well as the innocent. *** This takes me back to my college days…It came up in a conversation about vegetarian dinosaurs and if you could have a pet dinosaur, what would it be.
Can Your Dog Actually Heal You?
Pets are nature’s built-in holistic healers, offering mental, emotional, and even physical benefits—all without charging you for a life coaching session
The Good The Bad and The Ridiculous!
"AAAAUUUUGH! WHYYY…are you eating cat poop?" I scream, completely horrified at the dog. "And to the cat, why did you poop on the dog’s tug rope? Aaaand! Why are yinz (in the midst of this chaos a bit of Pittsburgh slang slips out) eating and drinking out of each other’s bowls?"
As I stand there, bewildered by this spectacle, I turn to the cat, only to discover the dog’s tug rope had become a makeshift litter box. And the pièce de résistance? They've decided to eat each other’s food and to drink out of each other’s water bowls.
When The Secret of NIMH Collided with Invasion of the Body Snatchers
In a split second, the future bounded around the corner and I was not prepared…Therefore, it wasn’t odd that I should take a work-study job in a lab at the University. Ah, the tales I could tell you about the different gigs I had while trying to pay my way through college! While my roommate dished out cafeteria grub, my financial aid package included a peculiar work-study gig: animal training in a science lab.
Walking With Dog Daily: I Saw My Shadow!
Later, while walking Sheila in the park down the street from my house, a gust of wind hit, and I noticed my shadow again. This time, I was slightly hunched, resembling someone older. It was more like my mom’s shadow, not mine. Startled, I straightened up immediately, determined to maintain that youthful silhouette.
This moment reminded me of a quote: "Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been." – Mark Twain. Aging is inevitable, but how we carry ourselves is a choice. Embracing each day with grace and standing tall reflects our inner vitality.
What Do You Do With a Dead Cat?
Another one of those recalled books or stories from my past. That book is 101 Uses for a Dead Cat. Afterall, what do you do with a dead cat? Well, there's this book called 101 Uses for a Dead Cat by Simon Bond. It's basically a collection of darkly humorous cartoons that answer the question, "What do you do with a dead cat?" The illustrations depict various imaginative and morbid ways to repurpose a deceased feline, such as using it as a bottle holder or a pencil sharpener.
Phil, Phyllis, & the Pups: Will Winter Stay or Go Away?
Every February 2nd, the world turns its attention to a small town in Pennsylvania to witness the legendary Punxsutawney Phil emerge from his burrow and predict the fate of winter. Will we endure six more weeks of cold, or will spring arrive early? It’s a quirky yet beloved tradition that has stood the test of time. But this year, Phil has more than just weather predictions making headlines—he’s also a proud dad!
Sometimes, a story finds you at just the right moment. Years ago, my younger sister told me about a short story she had read as a homework assignment that was both sad and unforgettable—Friendship by B. Traven, from his collection The Night Visitor and Other Stories. She described it as heart-wrenching, a tale of trust betrayed between a man and a little dog. I only skimmed over it back then, tucked within an anthology of short stories, and it stayed with me, lingering like an echo of something profound.
STFU-Shut the Fuss Up! A Retelling Yooxayatangi
Raven’s like, “Bro, the natural world is speaking, but you can’t hear it if you’re too busy flapping your gums.” Spoiler: Yooxayatangi didn’t listen and ended up missing out big time. This Tlingit tale isn’t just about nature; it’s about the power of shutting up and actually listening.
Of Mice and Men… and Baby Chick Smoothies
Recently, Caroline Kennedy decided to dig into the family archives of questionable moments and casually drop that RFK Jr. used to blend mice and baby chicks (peeps) and feed it to his hawks while in college. While this sounds absolutely insane to the general public, in the world of animal care and falconry, it’s not actually that weird. So, let’s address the elephant in the room—or rather, the mouse in the blender.
Yes, feeding raptors is not for the faint of heart.
Walking With Dog Daily
They say walking with God daily brings peace, clarity, and divine connection. But have you ever tried walking with a dog daily? Let me tell you, it’s a spiritual journey all its own—complete with trials, temptations, and the occasional pile of something unmentionable…less about inner peace and more about dodging squirrels, navigating tangles, and trying to keep your dignity intact while holding a bag of, well, you know
Quitter's Day? Why New Year's Resolutions Are Worth Setting
Note: Quitter's Day is observed on the second Friday of January, marking the day when many folks abandon their New Year's resolutions.
Nala Max and Molly's Page
Meet Molly, Max and Nala’s other sister. Folks, it’s a looong funny story. Wrote a blog post about it. Wanna hear it? Well here it goes…I think my sister Wendy has lost her mind OR she is BRILLIANT!
Sit Stay Hump? Don't Pet the Dog!
Did I ever tell y’all the one about my Cousins’s dog that had a special talent. And that was humping your leg on command.
Ah, childhood memories. Some people recall fishing trips, family barbecues, or warm cookies from Grandma. Me? I remember being restrained while my cousins’ dog—on command, mind you—practiced doing the humpity-hump on my leg. For some reason, my cousins thought that this was hilarious. To this day, I fail to see the humor…
Where Are They Now? Rocky's Pets
Yo Butkus!
Stallone owned, a bull mastiff named Butkus, featured in both “Rocky” and “Rocky II.
Remember the turtles from Rocky? Cuff and Link, the iconic cinematic turtles from the original “Rocky” film, still thriving and swimmingly along! These reptilian stars debuted in the 1976 movie and have stood the test of time.
Dam It: A Parody of Beavers, Bold Protests and Town Politics
Dear Members of the Town Council,
…It has come to my attention that there has been some muttering and clucking about what to do with the unauthorized dam these clever critters have been constructing on my spring pond. Unauthorized?! Since when did beavers start needing building permits? These noble architects don’t answer to your red tape or bylaws. They answer to nature itself—a code far more ancient, precise, and efficient than anything passed in a council meeting.
Paw and Order: Safeguarding People and Pets from Abuse
Abuse is never just about physical harm; it’s about control, manipulation, and fear. For many victims of domestic abuse, leaving an abusive situation can feel impossible when their beloved pet is being used as a pawn. Abusers often threaten or harm pets as a way to manipulate and control their victims, creating a heartbreaking dilemma for those who refuse to leave their furry family members behind.
But Pennsylvania is stepping up to address this issue with a groundbreaking expansion of its Protection From Abuse (PFA) laws to include pets.
On Borrowed Time: Shelter Life...
The time has come the Walrus said, to speak of many things...From Alice in Wonderland
Here, loyalty and sacrifice rub shoulders with the hard truths of life. For some of the animals, it’s a pause—a second chance to find the warmth of a home and the kindness of a lap. For others, it’s the final chapter, one written with as much dignity and care as the people here can muster. And for those who walk these halls every day, cleaning cages, soothing fears, and whispering encouragement, it’s a daily lesson in the beauty of doing what you can with what you have.
The Damned Don't Cry: Rudy's Journal
The lady here, she called me "Rudy." She told me, "You’re no cutey," but I wagged my tail anyway. Trying to make a good impression, you know? Might be a new start.
Fur Real: Chewy Supports Shelters & Rescues. How You Can Help
Chewy is on a mission to brighten the lives of pets and shelters nationwide! Shelters and rescues are often a pet’s first stop to a better life, and Chewy knows these organizations need our support. Through Chewy’s Wish List, every treat, toy, and kibble you donate heads straight to shelters, making a real impact. So, let’s roll up our sleeves (or paws!) this National Shelter Appreciation Week, Nov 5-11, and show our love by stocking up those Wish Lists!
Pugs and Kisses
Who’s as smug as a pug in a rug? Which is the breed most likely to become an Instagram star?
Scapegoat or Goatscaping: Goats the New Weed Warriors at the Park
Ah, the peaceful serenity of the park—birds chirping, trees rustling in the wind, and... wait, are those goats? Yes, folks, the hills are alive with the sound of bleating, and the latest eco-friendly trend in our local park isn't a new yoga class or a silent disco—it’s goats. Specifically, weed warrior goats. These four-legged lawnmowers are out in full force…
Damn the Defiant
Do not go gentle into that good night…Rage, rage against the dying of the light
Noah's Guide to Pet Preparedness
What does a pet blog have to do with disaster preparedness? During disasters pets suffer too! What We can learn from Noah.
From Pup to Pooch: Growing Up with Nala and Max
Happiness is a warm puppy—Charles M. Shultz
Sisters and puppies—it's a combination that turns ordinary days into cherished memories.
Silence of the Hams Part 1
Grandma told me to stay away from the glass door…That chilly morning, I unwittingly got a glimpse into the complexities of homestead life, where the practicalities of survival sometimes collide with the innocence of childhood.
So Help Me Dog!
You light up my life; You give me hope to carry on; You light up my days; And fill my nights with song…You Light Up My Life
Sit Keeps Happening: Part 2 Dogs Why Do They Do That?
Just me and you, Boo! Just me and you! Oh, and I'm sorry I pooped on the carpet...Well I see you ain't feelin' me right now so you'll have to CATCH ME OUTSIDE!
Dog Days of Sisterhood
For my second Sis! Congrats! Max will ensure you’re never lonely… or able to go to the bathroom alone again! Coach Team, Pep Steam! Gooo Team!
Sit happens: Dogs Why Do They Do That?
Other than seeing your cat getting ready to cough up a hairball, nothing will get you up out of your seat faster than seeing your pooch doing the Booty Scoot Boogie across your carpet. Aaaugh! That's nasty!
Going to the Dogs: From Zero to Zoo
So, for now I will let her imagine life with Nala like this...Let the games begin! And oh yeah, mom told me that you have already started bringing her with you on your daily visits
The Terribly Awful Very Bad Day!
You see, Sheila’s a bit of a Houdini when it comes to harnesses, and this day would prove to be her most daring escape yet.
The Sweetest Cat Until He Drew Blood!
He travels well; however, when it comes to bath time, it's a whole different story. Then it’s knives out! His claws come out like tiny knives, ready to draw blood at any attempt to submerge him.
I Shouldn't Have Looked in the Box!
Today is National Kitten Day and boy do I have a story for you…
I just knew that I shouldn’t have looked into the box, but I did. SUCKERRRR…and from that very moment, I was DOOMED! DOOMED I TELL YA…
Pet Remembrance Day Reflection
“If love alone could have kept you here, you would have lived forever”
Today is Pet Remembrance Day, a day dedicated to the loyal companions who’ve left paw prints on our hearts. It’s a day of reflection, of gentle tears, and of tender smiles as we recount the joy and unconditional love our pets have given us.
Tag Along Tuesday with Sheila
In that still moment, I caught my breath, feeling the world shrink to the space between us…
Workout Wednesday with Sheila: A Comedy of Terrors
The blue jay's aggressive swoops and loud "screeee" sounds served as a clear warning to stay away. This dive-bombing behavior was a natural instinct to protect its young from perceived threats, and I was definitely too close for comfort.
Hope Springs Eternal: New Chance for Eagles at U.S. Steel Irvin Plant
UPDATE EXCITING NEWS: Lucky the US Steel Irvin Plant Fledgling Takes His First Flight!
We're thrilled to share an exciting update about Lucky, the beloved juvenile eagle at the US Steel Irvin Plant. Today, Lucky spread his wings and took his first flight! This milestone marks the beginning of an adventurous new chapter in his life. So, 77 days after hatching.
From Hot Dogs to Cool Cats...
OMG! Who turned on the oven? Never Leave Pets in the Car! Even with the windows cracked, the temperature inside a parked car can quickly rise to dangerous levels. Never leave your pets unattended in a car, even for a few minutes.
Life Science and Other Near-Death Experiences
Remember the life science stuff in the back of the classroom in grade school? Beyond the rows of desks and stacks of textbooks, was a small glass tank filled with wiggling tadpoles. They were supposed to be part of our science lesson on metamorphosis, but they quickly became the attractive nuisances.
Animal and Pet Inspired Idioms for Idiots!
Where did the expression a “snake in the grass” come from or “letting the cat out of the bag” or “beating a dead horse” come from?
Workout Wednesday with Sheila and Foraging
This Workout Wednesday was anything but ordinary. It’s late Spring and now June be bustin’ out all over! While walking through the trails, my faithful cattle dog, Sheila, trotting happily by my side, we stumbled upon nature's bounty—honeysuckle and various berries
Something Happens When You Adopt a Pet
Come live with me and be my love, and we will all the pleasures prove That valleys, groves, hills, and fields, Woods or steepy mountains yield. - Christopher Marlowe, "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" It should have been titled "The Passionate Shepherd to His Dog." Am I right? Valleys, groves, hills, fields, woods and mountains sounds like wonderful places to walk your dog.
This Workout Wednesday and Last Workout Wednesday
Remember last Wednesday when I told you that the world was mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful…I have pictures!
Wednesday: Before the Workout
This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before–Maya Angelou
Before hitting the trails with my furry friend, I made my way to the clinic for the annual check-up, a necessary pit stop on the journey of self-care.
You Have Tried to Destroy Me...Workout Wednesday Rant!
You have tried to destroy me and though I perish daily, I shall not be moved—Maya Angelou
The morning whispers of the day ahead offering hope and providing us a new chance to follow our dreams—Unknown
What this annual check-up brought sharply into focus for me. I still stuck to my beloved Workout Wednesday routine with my faithful dog by my side.
Work Out Wednesday Rain Delay!
I know it is wet and the sun is not sunny, but we can have lots of good fun that is funny --Dr. Seuss
Yooxayatangi the Legend of the Eagle
The raven tells Yooxayatangi that if he listens closely, he will be able to hear the voices of the river, the wind, and the wolf, imparting wisdom and insight from the natural world.
Clean Up on Aisle 5!
And to my horror, she dropped a load right there in the middle of the aisle…I was mortified, to say the least. I quickly apologized to the clerk, offering to clean up the mess if she had the supplies. But instead of being upset, the clerk just laughed and reassured me that it happens more often than you'd think.
How Long Do Goldfish Live?
Typically, goldfish have a lifespan of 5-10 years, but with proper care and ideal water conditions, they can live up to 10-15 years. However, the record-breaking age of…
Workout Wednesday Reboot: The Power of Pawsitive Pups...NEW!
If you're tired of the same old gym routine, grab your dog's leash and get ready to pause for some midweek motivation. With our hilarious and effective workout plan, you'll be wagging your tail and shedding pounds in no time!
How Do Dogs Know to Comfort Us When We Cry?
Soooo, I let loose sobbing. My dog immediately leaped from the couch and stuck her nuzzle right up under my folded arms and planted a big wet kiss right on my lips…
God Loves a Terrier-from Best in Show
God loves a terrier, that’s because Small, sturdy, bright, and true they give their love to you God didn’t miss a stitch Be a dog or be a bitch When he made the Norwich merrier with its cute little derriere. The song is presented as a humorous and upbeat anthem celebrating the virtues of terrier breeds in the context of a prestigious dog show. The song's catchy melody and whimsical lyrics have made it a memorable and beloved aspect of the film for fans.
The Myth of a Best Breed for Cuddling
Let's Settle This Debate Once and for All! Is there such a thing as a best breed for cuddling? I saw the title to the article and flipped! Put ‘em up!
The Eagle Has Layed!
To life! L’Chaim! Celebrating Wildlife Wednesday! We have an egg…THIS JUST IN …We are going to be here for a while. It takes 35 days for Bald Eagle eggs to hatch.
What Killed Roger Rabbit? The Rabbit’s Final Chapter at the Library
The rabbit at the Childrens Library, was overweight and was breathing heavily…and when I am uneasy I make jokes. First, I hadn’t seen a rabbit that big before. Soo… I started making jokes like how do you get fat eating lettuce? And what is that? A cat? And then again, I had a roommate in college who claimed to be vegetarian and was overweight.
Dogs Are the Best Kissers
Y’all know…you were going for the top of the head but he/she had other ideas. Square on the kisser!
Aaaaugh! I've been kissed by a dog! I have dog germs! Get hot water! Get some disinfectant! Get some iodine!
War and Pets
This is a pet blog full of hilarious stories. However, get ready for a pet blog experience that goes beyond the ordinary! Tag along as we explore the benefits of laughter and companionship, providing you with a wealth of helpful insights to enhance every moment with your furry friends. Also discover the new, the free, and the many delights that can add an extra layer of joy to your pet-parenting adventures. Anticipate engaging product reviews, insightful comparisons, and practical suggestions designed to make your experiences smoother and more enjoyable. Join us in navigating life's twists and turns with a touch of humor, and unlock the full potential of the best, new, free, and useful treasures for you and your beloved pets.
"Being influenced or being an influencer ain't nothing new. Most of us have bought something because a friend or even a stranger recommended it. And haven't we recommended stuff ourselves? That's why I bought the type of dog harness I use because a stranger noticed the way my dog was pulling me along on our walks and said that his dog used to do the same thing until… (he had me at 'my dog used to'). So why not tag along with us as we unveil invaluable lessons, share insightful tips, and reveal clever tricks that anyone can reference during challenging times, hectic workdays, and those moments when our beloved pets seem to reign supreme?
We are a Reader Supported website. This page contains additional affiliate links. If you choose to make a purchase after clicking a link, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your consideration. Includes Kwik Pets…#ShopSmall Help the Lil Guy Thrive.
Workout Wednesday Reboot: The Power of Pawsitive Pups
Welcome to Workout Wednesday, once again. Sheila and I will be heading out to hit some trails.
Another Workout Wednesday With Dog: Oooh Baby It’s Cold Weather!
We can laze about, or we can get outside and do the darn thang!
Dat’s My Dawg!
Okay, gather 'round lil childrens, because I've got a little yarn to spin, and trust me, it's a howl! Here's the thing: I had it all figured out…
Start your journey
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