Walking with Dog Daily
The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That’s what I hope to give you forever. – Nicholas Sparks
Walking with Dog Daily: A Tale of Faith, Fur, and Floppy Ears
They say walking with God daily brings peace, clarity, and divine connection. But have you ever tried walking with a dog daily? Let me tell you, it’s a spiritual journey all its own—complete with trials, temptations, and the occasional pile of something unmentionable. The daily walks are good for your health, your peace of mind, and your waistline. However, walking with Dog daily is less about inner peace and more about dodging squirrels, navigating tangles, and trying to keep your dignity intact while holding a bag of, well, you know
Every morning, being herded downstairs. I hear it: the unmistakable crash of a metal leash being batted off the table by an overenthusiastic paw. It’s not the still, small voice of God calling me to rise; it’s the persistent stare of a Cattle Dog who’s decided that this is the perfect time to commune with nature.
Walking with Dog isn’t a linear journey. It’s a zigzag path of exploration. The pace alternates between sprinting (squirrel sighting) and rolling in the grass. You quickly learn the sacred art of patience—waiting while they circle the same spot 10 times to find just the right spot to leave their ‘offering.’
You will encounter temptations. But instead of bread and kingdoms, it’s chicken bones on the sidewalk, unguarded trash bins, and the neighbor’s perfectly manicured lawn.
“Leave it,” I say, channeling all the authority I can muster. Dog looks at me, eyes gleaming with mischief, and proceeds to not leave it. This, my friends, is how you learn humility.
Walking with Dog means embracing community—whether you like it or not. Strangers become familiar faces as your pup insists on greeting everyone, tail wagging like a furry ambassador of goodwill. Meanwhile, you’re left apologizing for their enthusiasm (“Sorry, she’s a licker”) or their complete lack of manners (“Oops, didn’t see him peeing on your garden gnome”).
Walking with Dog is a masterclass in trust. You trust that the leash won’t snap when they lunge after a squirrel. You trust that they won’t roll in that pile of decayed matter in the grass. And most importantly, you trust that you’ll find a poop bag in your pocket when you need it most. Spoiler: You often won’t.
Despite the chaos, walking with Dog brings unparalleled joy. There’s something divine in the way they delight in the simplest things—a stick, a breeze, a squirrel they’ll never catch. Their enthusiasm is infectious, reminding you to find beauty in the mundane. Sure, you’re sleep-deprived, your shoes are muddy, and your arm feels like it’s been yanked out of its socket, but hey, that’s the price of grace.
Walking with Dog daily may not part the seas or move mountains, and may not be a path to enlightenment, but it is a path to appreciation but it will transform you in small, profound ways. You learn to laugh at the absurd, savor the little things, and accept that some days, the dog walks you. And really, isn’t that what life is all about? You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll vow to never walk past certain yards that have barking dogs again. And when you finally collapse on the couch, Dog curled up beside you, you’ll know—this, right here, is unconditional love.
By the time we’re home, I’m exhausted, Dog is ecstatic, and my shoes are probably muddy. But there’s a quiet satisfaction in knowing we’ve tackled the day together, one step (and sniff) at a time.
So leash up, grab some poop bags, and prepare for whatever chaos comes your way. Because walking with Dog daily? It’s a trip worth taking.