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See Who the Cats and Dogs Are In Your Neighborhood…


War and Pets

This is a pet blog full of hilarious stories. However, get ready for a pet blog experience that goes beyond the ordinary! Tag along as we explore the benefits of laughter and companionship, providing you with a wealth of helpful insights to enhance every moment with your furry friends. Also discover the new, the free, and the many delights that can add an extra layer of joy to your pet-parenting adventures. Anticipate engaging product reviews, insightful comparisons, and practical suggestions designed to make your experiences smoother and more enjoyable. Join us in navigating life's twists and turns with a touch of humor, and unlock the full potential of the best, new, free, and useful treasures for you and your beloved pets.

"Being influenced or being an influencer ain't nothing new. Most of us have bought something because a friend or even a stranger recommended it. And haven't we recommended stuff ourselves? That's why I bought the type of dog harness I use because a stranger noticed the way my dog was pulling me along on our walks and said that his dog used to do the same thing until… (he had me at 'my dog used to'). So why not tag along with us as we unveil invaluable lessons, share insightful tips, and reveal clever tricks that anyone can reference during challenging times, hectic workdays, and those moments when our beloved pets seem to reign supreme?

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Stephanie Scippio Stephanie Scippio


Sometimes, a story finds you at just the right moment. Years ago, my younger sister told me about a short story she found both sad and unforgettable—Friends by B. Traven

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Stephanie Scippio Stephanie Scippio

Walking with Dog Daily

The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That’s what I hope to give you forever. – Nicholas Sparks

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Stephanie Scippio Stephanie Scippio

Sit Stay Hump? Don’t Pet Da Dawg!

Don't pet the dog, don't pet him whatever you do, because he ain't been fixed, and he knows some tricks, that'll sure make a fool out of you. —Jim Staford

Did I ever tell y’all the one about my Cousins’s dog that had a special talent. And that was humping your leg on command.

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Stephanie Scippio Stephanie Scippio

Who Are the Dogs in Your Neighborhood? 2024

I get more excited about meeting a cute dog on the street than I ever have about any celebrity sighting. I mean, who needs movie stars when you have fluffy tails and wet noses, right? I absolutely love discovering different breeds and their quirks. You too? You never know what breed of dog you’ll meet walking down the street…December Update!

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Stephanie Scippio Stephanie Scippio

Paw and Order-Safeguarding Pets and People from Abuse

Abuse is never just about physical harm; it’s about control, manipulation, and fear. For many victims of domestic abuse, leaving an abusive situation can feel impossible when their beloved pet is being used as a pawn

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Stephanie Scippio Stephanie Scippio

Damn the Defiant

You are enough. You were always enough. It’s now the 10th month in the year ...bunk a resolution.

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Stephanie Scippio Stephanie Scippio

WTF=What the Fluff?

Up in Her'-Up in Her'! Y'all gone make me lose control Up in Her'! Where my cat?

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Stephanie Scippio Stephanie Scippio

Bless the Beasts and the Children

The Blessing of the Animals is the one day a year where your pet gets to skip the vet and head straight to the altar for a little divine intervention.

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