Workout Wednesday with Sheila: A Comedy of Terrors

I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees... mainly because I was chased by a bee and a blue jay - Inspired by Henry David Thoreau

Well, it’s another Workout Wednesday with my Sheila, and I’m foraging while being chased by a bee first, then swooped by a blue jay. Sooo between angry birds or angry bees, we’re gonna get through it.

Being Chased by a Bee

Then swooped by a Blue Jay protecting its nest

So, there I was, feeling pretty smug about my healthy lifestyle choices, merrily foraging for berries. My serene, nature-filled day was about to take an unexpected turn. As I happily plucked berries and popped them into my mouth, I started hearing a faint buzzing sound that quickly escalated.

Yep, you guessed it—I was being chased by a bee. Apparently, the syrupy sweet juice from the berries now coating my mouth and hands was nature's own sticky bait.

Wild Raspberries

They were delicious. Not too tart nor too sweet..

I had envisioned a calm, peaceful foraging session followed by a leisurely walk. Instead, I found myself sprinting through the forest, arms flailing wildly, trying to evade my tiny, winged pursuer. My heart raced—not from my intended workout, but from the sheer adrenaline of the chase.

As I darted through the trees, dodging branches and leaping over logs, I couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. Here I was, trying to incorporate a bit of nature into my fitness routine, only to be outwitted by one of nature’s smallest creatures.

Eventually, the bee lost interest, probably deciding that my berry-stained self wasn’t worth the hassle. I slowed to a jog, then a walk, and finally stopped to catch my breath. My impromptu sprint session had given me a more intense workout than planned, and I had to admit—it was a lot more fun, too.

But the day wasn't over. While walking through this same peaceful wooded area, suddenly, a blue jay launched itself from a nearby tree. With a flash of vibrant blue feathers and a sharp, piercing call, it dove towards me with remarkable speed and precision. Its wings outstretched, beady eyes fixed on me, it was a fierce defender of its nest.

The blue jay's aggressive swoops and loud "screeee" sounds served as a clear warning to stay away. This dive-bombing behavior was a natural instinct to protect its young from perceived threats, and I was definitely too close for comfort.

If you’re looking to spice up your Workout Wednesday, consider a foraging adventure. Just be prepared for the possibility of an unexpected sprint session, courtesy of a very determined bee. And maybe bring some wipes for those berry juices—just in case.

Blue Jay Swooping

A bit melodramatic but some people do panic.


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