This Workout Wednesday and Last Workout Wednesday

’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.…Lewis Carrol, Jabberwocky

Remember last Wednesday when I told you that the world was mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful…See Work Out Wednesday Rain Delay. Well, I have pictures! And today was a bit overcast but warm and lovely.

Sheila and I saw several other dogs on her big adventure. We saw a Yorkie, a Frenchie, a poodle, and a handsome Golden Retriever. And she enthusiastically barked at each of them. What can I say? Some people's kids, right?


She Loves Water.

Today at the park she tried to jump into the fountain. Onlookers thought it was hilarious.


At Which She Spies a Park Lawn Full of Yellow Flowers

For our Sheila, the appeal of the park is simply irresistible. Whether it's a lush lawn of new grass, a vibrant patch of flowers, or even a simple mud puddle, nothing can hold her back. Her boundless enthusiasm and adventurous spirit propel her toward every new discovery, making each moment in nature a thrilling adventure.


Her eyes sparkled with joy as she bounded through the park, her tail wagging in rhythm with the rustling trees, a true embodiment of the wild spirit that thrived within her.

If your dog is rolling in the grass, it could be because they're picking up a scent, trying to mask a smell, or leaving their own scent behind.


A Mix of vegetation. But the Dandelions Stand Out

As I glance down and spy with my little eye the brown oak leaves lingering from winter, among the mix. Now, in early spring, vibrant green grass carpets the ground, and dandelions are just starting to adorn nearly every corner. If it weren't for the dogs, mine included, I might have plucked them, brewing dandelion tea or crafting wine.

Last week when the world was mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful

Embracing the spontaneity of the moment, ducks take advantage of this puddle formed from heavy rainfall. With joyful abandon, they splash and paddle, as they revel in the impromptu water playground. See Don’t Give A Flock

Devoid of any mystical interpretation, if your spirit animal is a dog, it symbolizes traits like loyalty, joy, and boundless curiosity. With a natural affinity for companionship and adventure, you approach life with unwavering enthusiasm and a wagging tail, finding beauty and wonder in every moment. This perspective can serve as a reflection on one's own personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses, or as a source of inspiration for personal growth and self-awareness.

Celebrate! Pick up a bag of Spirit Animal Coffee. TOP SHELF - MOLD FREE

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Work Out Wednesday Rain Delay