Workout Wednesday with Sheila and Foraging

An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day– Henry David Thoreau

Peonies and Salvia

The park flower beds are lovely this time of year.

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Park Peonies and Hosta

It’s late Spring and now June be bustin’ out all over!

This Workout Wednesday was anything but ordinary. It’s late Spring and now June be bustin’ out all over! While walking through the trails, my faithful cattle dog, Sheila, trotting happily by my side, we stumbled upon nature's bounty—honeysuckle and various berries.

Sheila sniffed around curiously as I picked a few honeysuckle blossoms, savoring their sweet nectar, bringing back wonderful memories of childhood adventures and foraging. Further along, we found a mix of ripe mulberries. The raspberries will not ripen for several weeks. It was a delightful treat to fuel our workout.

Foraging added a refreshing twist to our routine, making it a workout and a mini adventure in one. Sheila and I can't wait to see what we discover next Wednesday!

Mulberries at the Park

The ones in my neighbor’s backyard that hang over my fence are mostly ripe, and I have been eating them daily.

Upon Which We Make Like a Bee…

Who can resist honeysuckle? Oh, how the childhood memories come flooding back.

One of Many Park Paths

In the park there are many paths you can take…you can always take a different path or trail…

Rolling and Enjoying the Grass

To be continued…

I Spy with My Little Eye…Park Raspberries

A hedgerow made of raspberry bushes, buzzing bees, and raspberries at various stages of ripening. Yes, you heard right—raspberries on the same plant don't all ripen simultaneously. On a raspberry bush, you'll find a mix of brownish, yellow, and, of course, beautiful red-pink fruit.

Raspberries and Poke Salad

Looks like I will have to wait til the end of the month for these to ripen.

Fair use for information and educational purposes pics from Beekers Berries

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