Penny Foolish, Dollar Wise—A Doggone Disaster!

This is a hilarious tale about how a $100 indecision cost me $1500 in car repairs. What had happened was, once again I stopped into the local Petco to get girlfriend’s nails clipped. While she was getting that done I was perusing the aisles and came upon some cages for the back of the Pilot cuz girlfriend wasn’t well behaved enough to let her sit in the back seat with her head hanging out of the window. Oh how I envy those pet parents whose dog can do that. You know the commercial with the dog with its head poked out of the window with the wind blowing through it’s fur. But training takes time, right?! However, in the meantime, ya gotta save the upholstery or keep from wrecking when your dog almost jumps out of the window to try to get to the dog in the next car. Those ‘Marley and Me’ scenes are funny in the movies but not in real life…to be continued.

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And Then, the A-A-ALIENS Invaded!


Please Sir, I Want Some More!