Please Sir, I Want Some More!

Blade, my emo gamer cat didn’t know the rules but Lily the female Maine Coon would soon teach him the pecking order and the rules of engagement…Adopting cats from a rough neighborhood introduced me to the fascinating dynamics of the feline pecking order. One particular instance involving the youngest cat, Blade, shed light on the unwritten rules and social dynamics within our furry family. If you recall, we currently have 3 male and one female cat. At the time we had 2 male and Lily was the female Queen. Ernie, the chill orange tabby welcomed Blade without hesitation and was immediately admonished by Lily with a HISS! The eldest and resident male, Menace, a black tuxedo acted as if he could care less. But Lily immediately upon introduction of the new male to the group let it be known that she was not at all pleased. “Hiss-hiss! OFF WITH HIS HEAD!” Like the Red Queen in Alice In Wonderland.

Blade, being oblivious to the established pecking order, dove headfirst into a world of feline etiquette dictated by our matriarch cat, Lily. In our household, mealtime was NOT a free-for-all; it was a structured affair with Lily at the helm. Now, Blade, our unwitting protagonist, was about to get a crash course in feline etiquette, courtesy of Lily, the reigning queen of our cat kingdom.

While the other cats patiently waited for Lily to commence her meal before approaching their own bowls, Blade approached his with an air of naivety. His puzzled expression made it evident that he couldn't grasp why the others hesitated. On the streets, he who ate first claimed the best and most, a concept foreign to the domestic hierarchy.

Lily, a seasoned matriarch, wasn't one to tolerate rule breaking. She hissed at Blade, sending a clear message that he needed to adhere to the established order. Unfazed, Blade nonchalantly shrugged off the warning and proceeded to eat from his bowl, seemingly unfazed by the social nuances at play.

Even during water breaks, Blade found himself in a learning curve. Lily, unimpressed by his hesitation, asserted her dominance by pushing his head into the water bowl. It became apparent that Blade, accustomed to a different lifestyle, struggled with the concept of clean water, hesitating before taking a sip. Lily, not one to let things slide, enforced the rules by guiding him by pushing his face into his water dish.

Watching how my cats interact every day showed me that they have a detailed way of behaving together. Whether it's mealtime or drinking water, each cat has a role in keeping things in order, and Lily is like their leader. Being a cat owner, I learned that paying attention to these behaviors not only made me appreciate how smart they are but also helped me see how important it is to understand and respect the way they organize themselves in our furry family.


Penny Foolish, Dollar Wise—A Doggone Disaster!


Don’t Give a Flock…