And Then, the A-A-ALIENS Invaded!

First it was stink bugs and then the A-A-A-A-ALIENS INVADED! …When the first one smacked me in the chest I quickly swiped it away and noticed how unusual but pretty it was. I did NOT squash it. It was only when the news reported on this invasion that I started to pay more attention to them. As the invasion intensified, it seemed like the neighborhood had collectively decided to play a giant game of "Wack-a-Mole" with these unwelcome guests. The sidewalks became a battlefield as people strategically stomped and sidestepped, giving a whole new meaning to the term "bug squashing." But at least they didn’t stink.

In the midst of the chaos, it was hard not to find humor in the situation. With each new encounter came fresh surprises and unexpected moments. The spotted lanternflies may have overstayed their welcome, but they left us with a summer to remember—one filled with laughter, strange dance moves, and the curious sport of bug squashing.

As the summer faded into fall, so did the invasion of the spotted lanternflies. While they may have caused a temporary ruckus, they've also given us a season's worth of stories to share. So here's to the summer when the A-a-a-aliens invaded – a time when throughout the city, we perfected the art of the "Lanternfly Stomp". As we bid farewell to our polka-dotted visitors, we can't help but chuckle at the unexpected camaraderie that emerged from our shared battles and bug-eyed antics. Even SNL had a hilarious angry lanternfly skit. Perhaps, in the grand scheme of nature's pranks, the spotted lanternflies were the quirky supporting characters in this past summer’s blockbuster. So until next summer's surprise invasion...


Silence of the Hams Pt.1 Or Where Your Food Comes From


I Shouldn’t Have Looked In the Box!