The Stepford Wife, Which Pet Would Know and Which One Would Care?

And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn, would scarcely know that we were gone.—There Will Come Soft Rains

As I watched the classic film "The Stepford Wives," I couldn't help but notice the absence of pets. This observation led me to ponder: if the android replacements for the human wives were indeed flawless replicas, would any pets detect the change? I speculated that both dogs and cats might notice, but for different reasons. While a dog's keen senses might pick up on subtle differences, a cat, notorious for its independence, would likely remain indifferent to the Stepford Wife, viewing her merely as a source of sustenance.

A Stepford Wife, typically depicted as an idealized, android housewife with an unnaturally perfect demeanor, might not be the ideal owner for a more independent or spirited pet. For example:

A dog may not thrive under the ownership of a Stepford Wife. Dogs typically require companionship, engagement, and interaction to flourish. A Stepford Wife's potentially rigid and unchanging behavior might not provide the stimulation and dynamic relationship that a dog needs. Dogs often respond well to affection, playfulness, and spontaneity, qualities that might be lacking in a Stepford Wife's demeanor.

Both Dog and Cat Would Notice

A cat, notorious for its independence, would likely remain indifferent to the Stepford Wife, viewing her merely as a source of sustenance.

On the other hand, a cat might be more indifferent to whether their owner is a Stepford Wife or not. Cats are known for their independent nature and ability to entertain themselves to a certain extent. While they may enjoy affection and attention from their owner, they are also comfortable spending time alone and may not rely as heavily on constant interaction. As long as their basic needs are met, such as food, water, and a clean litter box, a cat may not be particularly concerned about the personality or behavior of their owner.

Well, I don’t know…When we finally got around to hanging up our new clock, it sat innocently on the table post-battery insertion. Meanwhile, our dog was lounging on the couch in her usual state of lazy contentment. Suddenly, her ears shot up like antennas, and she sprang to attention, embarking on a careful reconnaissance mission toward the table. With an air of suspicion, she zeroed in on the source of the mysterious ticking and unleashed a barrage of barks, as if she'd uncovered a ticking time bomb instead of a humble timepiece. I couldn't help but think that if she sensed the inner workings of an android, there may have been a similar reaction. What do you think?

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