This Is One For the Birds Or the Squirrels

Even those who claim they don’t have a pet, wanna bet? They feed birds and squirrels, don’t they?

Do you claim not to have a pet? Well, wanna bet? The truth is many of us unknowingly share our lives with the delightful creatures that frequent our yards and gardens. Even if you don't have a conventional pet, there's a good chance you're knowingly or unknowingly hosting a wild array of feathered and furry friends.

Take a moment to notice the subtle magic that unfolds when you provide sustenance for birds and squirrels. The simple act of filling a bird feeder transforms your space into a haven for lively chirps and fluttering wings. Those who proclaim to be pet-less often find themselves enjoying the company of these wild visitors.

Butterfly bushes play their part too, acting as a magnet for these delicate, winged wonders. Those vibrant bursts of color in your garden not only add charm to your surroundings but also attract these enchanting creatures, turning your outdoor space into a haven for the natural world.

So, even if you think you don't have a pet, take a closer look. Your feathered and furry neighbors might just be the delightful companions you never knew you had. Embrace the beauty of nature and the unexpected joy it brings, turning your pet-less paradise into a haven for the wild wonders that grace your everyday life. Who needs a traditional pet when the world outside your window is a bustling menagerie of its own?

My great Aunt Patty, the unparalleled squirrel whisperer from the Big Apple! Living in New York, she transformed her daily routine into a show-stopping spectacle. Imagine this: gasps, pointed fingers, and exclamations like, "Look at that squirrel going up to that lady and eating out of her hand!" Unbelievable, right? Some even hushedly expressed, "No way. I’m afraid they might bite me." But not Aunt Patty, a former country girl – she had the knack for charming those urban critters.

Soon, others joined in the squirrel-feeding fun, and the fearless little creatures became quite audacious, approaching people and begging for treats. It was a sight that left some startled and perhaps a bit scared. Aunt Patty's charm and the boldness of the squirrels created a delightful, albeit surprising, urban wildlife experience for everyone involved.

Lady feeding squirrel

The boldness of some squirrels shock and delight onlookers.

Now, let me share my own nutty escapades back in the Da 'Burgh. Living in a place with trees right outside my bathroom window, I played host to a group of cheeky squirrels. Nuts on the windowsill became their daily snack, and we developed a quirky routine. One day, running a bit late, I heard an unexpected tapping on my window. Lo and behold, there was a squirrel demanding its nuts! Talk about audacity – it even had me chuckling, considering I had a couple of fearless feline friends eyeing the spectacle. I just had to share the experience with my co-workers.

It’s better to give than to receive…

One day, running a bit late, I heard an unexpected tapping on my window. Lo and behold, there was a squirrel demanding its nuts!

My cats had a front-row seat to the show, as they perched by the window, watching the squirrels perform daring acrobatics on the roof below. The squirrels, unfazed by the potential danger, would strike a crouching pose with their tails swaying like cobras – it was like a backyard circus, with a glass pane thankfully separating the performers from the audience.

However, let's not forget the times when the anticipation got the best of my overenthusiastic cats. The poor window took a hit a few times when they slammed into it, unable to contain their excitement. Thank goodness for the resilience of glass!

There was this other time, I'm posted up on this park bench near the hospital, right? And there's this grumpy old dude from the neighborhood, doing his bird-feeding thing. So, he walks to the park with his stash of stale bread ready to drop crumbs for the little bird crew – sparrows, chickadees, you know the drill. It's like a daily bird buffet, and he's the host with the most.

Great Care Package touch box

Now, get this, one day, things get wild. Pigeons roll up to snag some crumbs, and Birdman loses it. He's waving his arms, having a whole showdown with the pigeons. He ain't having it. He's waving his arms, putting on a whole show with the pigeons, cussing and kicking at them. I'm curious, so I muster up the nerbs (cross between nerves and nebby) to ask what's the deal and that I have enjoyed watching him feed the birds. I tell him that he makes a lot of people happy including the kids when they see the birds come up to him. He chuckled and said his wife thinks he’s crazy for doing it, but he enjoys doing it, besides the wasted bread would only go in the trash and do noone any good, ya know? I tell him that I've enjoyed watching him feeding the birds and it makes me happy.

Then we get to why the pigeons catch heat 'cause, according to him, they're the bullies of the bird world. Little birds, though, need that winter chow more than the rowdy pigeons. We're just standing there, soaking in this crazy bird turf war, before we both crack up. (And then there was the time when my kids were marching in a parade and the hawks swooped down and snatched the pigeons out of the air and blood splattered down on them, ugh! So in the bird world, bullies have their bullies. But that’s a story for another time.)

Sooo you don’t have a pet,huh?

Chances are you're knowingly or unknowingly hosting a wild array of feathered and furry friends.

Who knew bird-watching could be this hilarious, right?

Who provides food for the raven when its young cry out to God and wander about for lack of food? Job 38:41

So, even if you think you don't have a pet, take a closer look. Your feathered and furry neighbors might just be the delightful companions you never knew you had. Embrace the beauty of nature and the unexpected joy it brings, turning your pet-less paradise into a haven for the wild wonders that grace your everyday life. Who needs a traditional pet when the world outside your window is a bustling menagerie of its own?

But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows. (Matthew 10:29-31)


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