Listen-Listen the Cat is Pissin’…

You Smell That?

It’s burning my nostrils. What is that?

Life is messy, unpredictable, and sometimes it smells like cat pee. But it’s also filled with moments that make us laugh and remind us not to take things too seriously. If you think your sibling getting kicked out of the house for some shady business is bad, wait until you hear about our cat, Bootsy, and the day he committed the ultimate feline felony.

We arrived at my mom's house with not just suitcases, but our entire menagerie—Sheila, the cattle dog who thinks she’s royalty; Ernie, the diabetic cat on a strict medication schedule; and Blade, the cat whose diet requires a PhD to understand (I have a younger sister working on her PhD so we will have that covered in just a bit, ROFL). My mom, bless her heart, has always believed cats belong outside, ruling the yard like little furry monarchs, not lounging on the furniture like they pay rent. But what could she do? With her health slowing her down, she was a captive audience to our traveling pet show.

                   Smell that? Nope? That's right!

As we settled in amidst the chaos, my mom, in her classic understated way, looked at me and said, "Do you remember that cat you all had when you were little? Oooh, what was his name?" And then it hit her. "Bootsy! Remember him? The one who used to pee through the window screen down the side of the house?"

The memories flooded back as she recalled Bootsy’s grand exit from the house after peeing in her shoe. "I didn’t even know until I got to school, and the whole class started sniffing around… I was so embarrassed!" she laughed, but with a hint of that old mortification. Yet despite Bootsy’s misdeeds, my mom, with that soft spot she tries to keep hidden, would always let him back in when it got cold. Because that’s what home is—no matter how much it drives you crazy, no matter how many shoes get ruined, there’s always a place for you (and apparently, your pets) when the weather turns.

             Listen-listen cat is pissin'...but that's ok!

So there we were, with my mom reminiscing about Bootsy, surrounded by our current band of furred misfits, all coexisting under one roof in a chaotic harmony. It was a reminder that while things change—kids grow up, health fades, and new pets replace old ones—home is where all those memories, and a few surprises, come together. And somehow, even amidst the chaos, it’s exactly where we’re meant to be.

What had happened was…It all started one sunny morning, just like any other. My mom was rushing around, trying to find her keys, her tea, and of course, her shoes. Little did she know, one of those shoes had already been claimed… by Bootsy.

Now, Bootsy has always had a rebellious streak. The kind of cat who struts around like he owns the place, giving you the side-eye if you dare sit in his chair. But that day, he took it to a whole new level.

Mom slipped on her shoes, grabbed her bag, and headed out the door, totally unaware that her right shoe was now a ticking time bomb of shame. Fast forward to her classroom, where she’s standing in front of a bunch of kids, and suddenly, a faint yet unmistakable scent began to waft through the room. It started as a whisper, but soon it became a persistent presence, demanding attention. Students began sniffing the air like detectives on the trail of a mystery.

And then it hit her. Or rather, it hit her nose. The smell was coming from her shoe. That’s right, folks—Bootsy had used my mom’s shoe as his personal litter box. In that moment, Mom wasn’t just the teacher; she was the source of a mystery stench that had her whole class laughing. Standing before her students, she had a choice: to be mortified or to find humor in the absurdity of it all. She chose the latter, with a sigh and a shake of her head. At least it wasn’t as bad as the time she tucked her dress into her pantyhose after going to the bathroom, and a student had to say, "Oooh, Mrs. Lee, you tucked your dress into your pantyhose, and I can see your underwear." Aaaaaugh!

But wait, it gets better. When Mom got home, fuming and ready to give Bootsy a piece of her mind, what does she see? Bootsy, cool as a cucumber, peeing again! THROUGH. THE. WINDOW. SCREEN. It’s like he knew exactly what he was doing, and he didn’t care one bit.

                                       Collapsible Bowls

That was it. Bootsy got the boot. Yep, Mom kicked him out faster than you can say “litter box.” He was banished to the outdoors, where he could do his business without destroying anyone’s footwear. He became a free-range cat.

But don’t worry—Bootsy’s exile didn’t last long. With those big sad eyes and a purr that could melt an iceberg, he was back inside by the end of the year, acting like nothing had happened.

So next time your sibling does something to get kicked out of the house, just remember it could be worse. You could have a cat like Bootsy.

My mom talking about our cat Bootsie she caught peeing through the window screen, marking his territory. He wasn’t neutered. The straw that broke the camel’s back was when he peed in her shoe, and she didn’t realize it until she got to school. She was working with her reading class students k-3.

A Quiet Place: Day One

And then the ALIENS inva-a-aded! The beginning of the end. There is a CAT!


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