A Thesaurus Isn’t a Dinosaur?

***Warning: The names have been changed to protect the guilty and the ignorant, as well as the innocent. ***

This takes me back to my college days. See also, "When the Secret of NIMH Meets Invasion of the Body Snatchers." My roommate Mandy's boyfriend thought that a thesaurus was a dinosaur. It came up in a conversation about vegetarian dinosaurs and if you could have a pet dinosaur, what would it be. He said Thesaurus. He also believed that wrestling was real. I'm not saying it isn't, but we aren't talking about the Olympic kind; we're talking about the chair-throwing, top-turnbuckle-diving spectacle. Embellished, indeed! As real-on-the-mat wrestling was dull, they spiced it up – an art, skillfully avoiding unintentional casualties. It's staged, after all. I found it entertaining when I was a kid but not so much when I grew up.


Say whut?!

This is the reaction I usually get when I tell this story.

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A Roget’s College Thesaurus

Sooo… NO a Thesaurus is NOT a dinosaur!

Anyway, when he visited her, he monopolized the TV, watching only wrestling. Plus, he'd pout if we switched to MTV. Worse, when he got drunk, he'd pick fights with the guys who shared the house next door. Too much! Both had to go. Instead, Clarrissa (not her real name) and I moved next door where her boyfriend and his college roommates lived. There, I met my future hubby. When we were courting, I asked him if he believed wrestling was real (apparently, he nailed that one, as we married a year later). My roommates laughed at my question, as he, my future hubby was also from da 'Burgh. One can never be too sure about such things, perhaps they all shared the same thoughts…

This was the same roommate who never changed the water in her goldfish bowl and when she finally did, the shock killed it. She also put her finch cage near the heat register, and it died, leaving us other roommates a bit traumatized, thinking wasn’t that how serial killers got their start and was it safe to sleep with her in the house?! We will cover proper pet care basics and vegan/vegetarian dinosaurs.

Brachiosaurus - Vegetarian Dinosaur

Recall the scene in Jurassic Park where they weren’t afraid of this dinosaur because it wasn’t a meat eater. It had a very long neck.


This Brachiosaurus is a major landmark in Da ‘Burgh

The iconic Brachiosaurus statue stands as a welcoming sentinel at the Carnegie Museum in Da ‘Burgh, capturing the imagination of visitors with its towering presence and prehistoric allure. A symbol of the museum's rich natural history collection, it sparks curiosity and awe as guests embark on a journey through time..


Dinosaurs were not vegetarians in the same way that some animals today are, as the terms "vegetarian" or "herbivore" are more specific to mammalian diets. However, there were numerous dinosaurs that were herbivores, meaning they primarily consumed plants. Some examples of herbivorous dinosaurs include:

  1. Triceratops: Known for its distinctive frill and three facial horns.

  2. Stegosaurus: Recognizable by its back plates and spiked tail.

  3. Brachiosaurus: A massive, long-necked dinosaur that fed on vegetation.

To be continued…

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Inflatable T-Rex Click Pic

A T-Rex was mos’ def a meat eater…

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