Home Alone: Cats Vs Dogs

One top area where cats are better than dogs is, well, at least at this…We can totally leave our cats at home for a week, and guess what? They're chill, the house is good (well, maybe a few horks here and there, but we can live with that). All we do is toss their grub into those cool time-release thingies. Now if they're still feeling hungry, they can totally serve themselves some dry munchies straight from the bag – teamwork? I have seen with my own eyes, the cats taking turns going up to eat from the bag. Finally, with water strategically placed all over the crib, and bam, they're sorted. Ernie, however, has to tag along because he can’t self-administer his insulin.


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Now, if we dared to leave our Sheila E home alone, she'd not only consume her entire weeks’ worth of food in a single sitting (remember, that I also caught her eating cat poop from the kitty litter box in the basement? Read The Good, the Bad and the Ridiculous!), but she'd also turn our house into a maze of overturned garbage cans. Oh, and did I mention she'd leave little presents all over the place? Yeah, because we don't have a doggie door, otherwise, she’d be out in the yard, barking non-stop at the neighborhood dogs. Trust me, the neighbors would call the cops faster than you can say "fruitcake." In Da ‘Burgh, I think the rule is your dog can only bark for 5 minutes straight before you get fined if reported.

Dog lovers don’t be mad or start hatin’, cuz I will be following up with Dogs Vs Cats, top reasons dogs are better than cats. Now if you read the About section, you would know that I have multiple pets. Also, I grew up on a homestead, my family owns Thoroughbred horses, dogs of various breeds and more. So stick around and we’ll eventually get to all of that.


Home Alone 2: Dogs Vs Cats


American Horror Story: Dog Fighting, the Dark Side of the Ring