Home Alone 2: Dogs Vs Cats

"Ok-ok, I promised the dog lovers (cat lovers don’t be hatin’, see Home Alone: Cats vs Dogs). One top area where dogs are better than cats, at least in this sense... A dog would try to drag your body out of a burning house or at least run to the neighbor's house and try to get help. Neighbors would be like, “Why is Dave’s dog out in the yard barking like that?” Then they go to call Dave, look down the street and lo and behold, “Quick call 9-1-1! Dave’s house is on fire! Good doggie-good boy!”

Cats, however, being the ultimate survivalists and self-preservationists, would have warned you weeks ago that you left the coffee pot on. Remember, he kept turning it off, and you blamed the kids. And finally, he just knocked it off onto the floor and broke the glass pot, as well as 2 waffle irons. My cat Menace did this. When we had a carbon monoxide leak in the basement. Ernie kept meowing and kept pulling at the bottom of my bedroom door, nearly lifting it off of its’ hinges. He kept up even after I shouted to him to stop! I stomped to the bedroom door and just as I swung it open the carbon monoxide detector went off on the furnace. We turned off the furnace and aired out the place. I wasn’t aware that I should have called the fire department to make sure the carbon monoxide levels were safe. I opened the windows and stuck in box fans faced the opposite way to pull the inside air out.

Remember the Condo collapse in Florida? We were glued to the News to see if the lady who survived the collapse found her cat. The neighbor told her that the cat had come over to her house and stayed about a week before the collapse. See the cat knew! Watch the video…

REMINDER: Change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Smoke alarms and Carbon Monoxide detectors make great Gifts. Over the years, think of how many stories you have heard of where a smoke detector under the Christmas tree alerted the homeowners of a fire.


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Alert: Good idea to pack a portable carbon monoxide detector to take on vacation.


NBC news last year reported that an American couple found dead in Mexico hotel room died of carbon monoxide poisoning (nbcnews.com)


Dat’s My Dawg!


Home Alone: Cats Vs Dogs