What Set John Wick Off?

Complete this sentence: (By the way, NOT in the movie, but how each of us would feel...) Touch my [blank] and you [blank]! Those who know the answer to the title question, what set John Wick off and can complete the above sentence, DM me on Twitter or email me (just click on the Contact or the Twitter icon in the header). Not only do you go to the top of the Coolness Chart but also, I am calling in my markers, and the first 10 responders who 1-complete the tasks and 2-mention this blog post to their followers receive a shoutout. I am working on some other cool stuff to pass on to y’all as a thank you for responding. I want to make this fun, entertaining, and mutually rewarding. How about a "Be Kind to [blank]" sew-on patch? In time for X-mas? How about a ball launcher? Don’t forget to like and follow…Peace out!

O-o-okay…trick questions. What set Sophia off in John Wick 3? And why are these questions on this Blog? Answer these bonus questions and I’ll have to figure out something else to give away, as you now are waaaaay off the Coolness Chart and are in another stratosphere! You can be funny and creative with your answers.


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