I Shouldn’t Have Looked In the Box!

Today is National Kitten Day and boy do I have a story for you…

I just knew that I shouldn’t have looked into the box, but I did. SUCKERRRR…and from that very moment, I was DOOMED! DOOMED I TELL YA…

Who Could Resist?

SUCKERRRR…and from that very moment, I was DOOMED! DOOMED I TELL YA…

At the time, (and we still do), we had a young very active cattle dog, 3 cats, and a water turtle, so we didn't need another pet. Howeverrrr, the day that we were to give him to some friends of ours I went up and looked in the box and there was the cutest, grey eyed, orange tabby sporting a Mohawk. (Remember I told you that I already had my orange tabby, Ernie). But in that moment, how does the song by Bon Jovi go? ‘Shot thru the hearrrt and you’re to blame’! Darling, you give luv a bad name-bad name!’ My heart melted aaand…HE IS STILL WITH US! Tyson, who now looks like a white cat with a smaller orange tabby on his back, became an unexpected but cherished addition to our family. To this day, he continues to brighten our home with his unique charm and loving presence. Wait! There’s more…

Tyson the Wild Child

He hides in a pile of my husband's white T-shirts, laying on his back, and completely disappears, perfectly camouflaged in the sea of fabric. Then he jumps out and attacks your hand.

Kwikpet-Tub of Catnip!


What had happened was…In the grand tapestry of life's unexpected intersections, there was a summer day when my daughter, a bright-eyed veterinary student with a heart as vast as the outdoors, found herself working a paying summer job at a children's daycare center to supplement her income. She also worked a few hours a week at an animal shelter, nurturing her passion for animal care. The daycare, with its air thick with laughter and crayons, provided a lively contrast to her quieter hours at the shelter, yet her dual roles often collided in the most whimsical ways.

One afternoon, during her lunch break, she wandered into the daycare's garden. There, amidst the tall grass, fences, and hedges that bordered one side of the playground, she spotted a scruffy little kitten. His grey eyes, framed with a runny nose, looked up at her with a mixture of curiosity and plea. His fur, sticking up in odd directions, gave him the appearance of having a tiny mohawk. She promptly named him Tyson, for his fierce, albeit tiny, demeanor.

Tyson wasn't alone. Nestled amongst the tulips and dandelions were three more kittens, all looking equally lost and in need of care. With the same gentle touch she offered to her young charges, she scooped them up, sensing that these little wanderers had crawled through the wilderness to find sanctuary.

Her immediate instinct, honed from her veterinary studies and shelter work, was to ensure their safety and well-being. She brought the kittens inside, much to the delight and amazement of the children, who watched with wide eyes as she constructed a cozy little habitat for her newfound friends. The daycare transformed into a makeshift animal clinic and classroom, with my daughter at the helm, teaching the children about compassion and the importance of caring for all creatures, great and small. That day, a lesson far beyond the scope of their regular curriculum was imparted—a lesson in kindness, serendipity, and the beautiful unpredictability of life.

KWIKPET-Refillable catnip mouse toy with feathers

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Welcome to National Kitten Day