Clean Kills And Other Trophies

Cats are efficient hunters; their skills are a masterpiece of stealth, agility, and precision. Their flexible bodies and sharp claws serve as formidable weapons, enabling them to stalk, pounce, and capture prey effortlessly. Now, let me tell you a tale. There was this one time when the old man cat, Menace, got furious with the younger cats for playing with, but not finishing off, a mouse. They were literally toying with a hobbled mouse, wounded and moving slowly. The younger cats, Blade, Lily and Ernie, would let it run a short distance before taking turns pouncing on it. Menace observed this peculiar game for a while, then started to meow angrily at them from the chair he was sitting in. He was about to teach them the sacred art of a clean, efficient kill. Anyhoo, he soon tired of the game and having had enough of this odd, prolonged exercise, swiftly jumped from his pleather throne, grabbed the mouse by the jugular—I could hear the bones crack. Bleh! The other cats just looked at him, kinda sorta flabbergasted. Game over! Player 4 has left the game. He continued to meow angrily at them as he jumped back into his chair to groom and settle down for another nap.

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