Live, Love, Laugh and Aaaugh!

My diabetic orange tabby Ernie jumps up on the arm of the couch to get his daily insulin shot. I don’t know why doing this reminds of the Movie Nell starring Jodie Foster. ‘Skew in the belly…tay in the wind!’. Anyhoo, he gets his shot, jumps down then precedes to knock over the garbage can to raid its contents of any morsels of food left over from dinner, the night before. "Aaaaugh!" has become a daily expression added to my vocabulary to express my frustration at this part of the ritual. Meanwhile, when I march back to my office, Tyson (the 'don’t look in the box' cat) has left a stuffed mouse toy in front of my office door, and my heart just simply melts. Aaah… life with cats.

A gift from Tyson…and my heart simply melts.


Don’t Go Down In the Basement!


Noah's Guide to Pet Preparedness – Because Even Animals Need an Evacuation Plan!"